RELOCATABLE BUILDING PURCHASE OPTIONS Available Through Select Local, State and Regional Network Purchasing Cooperatives
Leveraging the Purchasing Power of Ramtech's COOP Process
When comparing the price of a building project, the costs of the design, building construction, and the site improvements all must be considered. Ramtech's representatives will work with you to recommend purchase or financing options that can work to help meet your specific situation. For schools and government agencies, many of Ramtech's relocatable buildings are also available through our vendor memberships with select local, state, and regional network purchasing cooperatives.
These co-ops allow their members to buy and lease a broad range of goods and services using the bid schedules of pre-qualified vendors, eliminating the need to go through the lengthy and expensive process that traditional bidding requires. Using current internet-based technology, the co-ops streamline the purchasing process while also leveraging their members collective purchasing power to receive the best pricing available. A broad selection of Ramtech's relocatable school buildings are available directly from us through our contracts with the Texas Association of School Boards Buyboard and The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) programs.
Flexible Financing for Modular Building Construction
How you finance your commercial modular building> is often just as important as the construction details for how it's built. At Ramtech, we'll help you explore the different financing alternatives that can help meet your specific needs and circumstances. By utilizing
modular construction, both the modular building and the site do not have to be committed on a permanent financing basis, allowing for flexible forms of financing such as:
Operating leases from 24 to 60 months
Short and long term finance leases
Leases with purchase options
These financing alternatives may provide you with greater flexibility in increasing the size or adding features to the modular building required for your facility addition or expansion. Through our extensive relationships with several different finance companies, Ramtech can help you find just the right financing plan to meet your needs.
Building Systems Example Testimonial
Permanent Modular Construction Slab on Grade
This video provides an up close and personal look at the features and benefits built into our multiple classroom designs.
Ranging in size from 4 to 16 classrooms, they can be used to meet a wide variety of temporary or long-term use requirements by using either our standard floor plans or a customizable design. Individual classroom buildings can also be designed and constructed to address requirements for computer and science labs, administrative offices, and specialty classrooms for all age groups.