When the San Antonio Federal Credit union wanted to locate a fully-automated ATM facility on the grounds of the local Veterans Administration property, the only legal solution was to choose a permanent modular building.

Located in the heart of San Antonio, TX this 4,200 square foot facility was designed with a brick masonry exterior integrated to match the existing architecture of the area. One of the first “allATM” facilities to be built nationally, the project requirements called for full site-development, wood and steel construction, and a project timeline of 150 days.

Building & Construction Details: Permanent Modular Construction

Project Size: 4,200 sq ft

Construction: UBC Type V Protected

Contract Type: Design-build Stipulated sum

Facility Use: Credit Union Description Wood and steel framework Brick exterior Concrete stemwall foundation

Completion: 150 days

  • CLIENT Megas Co.
  • WE DID Design Mockups, SEO, Branding
  • PARTNERS Mark Sidwell
  • TAGS