Located in the center of down – town Edinburg, Texas, Hidalgo County’s decision to renovate their existing courthouse building created a series of challenges in how to secure adequate interim space for day to day operations during construction. To minimize the expense and the potential for costly delays, Hidalgo County chose to install three modular buildings totaling 14,000 square feet on a parking area adjacent to the existing courthouse. Ramtech provided assistance in the preplanning phase, and with the design and engineering for two buildings with five courtrooms, jury rooms, conference areas for the attorneys and their clients, judges chambers, offices for court staff and reporters, foyers with security at the public entrances, and an additional building for the county clerk’s office

Building & Construction Details: Permanent Slab on Grade Modular Building

Project Size: 14,000 sq ft 3 buildings

Construction: IBC Type V-b

Contract Type: BuyBoard

Facility Use: Courtroom and Admin Space Description R-Panel exterior siding, VCG walls, VCT tile flooring

Completion: 120 days