A national energy company needed a relocatable office building serving as a template for future jobsites throughout the U.S. The design-build project yielded a building with high-end finishes, sustainable material use, and energy saving practices while allowing for the possibility of relocation or expansion in the future. The building façade is orientated to take advantage of the sight lines to a major interstate highway as well as material and contractor flow through the secure site. The building exterior highlights the main south facing entrance with deep blue vertical metal siding framed by the base-required neutral building siding color. The exterior split faced wainscot limestone finish further enhances the buildings curb appeal while meeting the LEED-based sustainable criteria.

Building & Construction Details: Relocatable Modular Building

Project Size: 4,956 sq ft

Construction: Type V-b

Contract Type: Design-build

Facility Use: Administrative and crew office

Completion: 97 days